On Step 4 of the order form you will get signatures for all the order documents. The fastest and most accurate way to get customer signatures is via sending them digital signature requests to their smart phone. Now we realize that not every customer will have a smart phone so there are other ways to get signatures including, using the mouse (or finger if you're using a touchscreen device), or uploading signed documents.

One big thing to keep in mind is that you don't have to wait for the signatures to be completed before you can complete the order. You can complete an order with pending signature requests. When the customer completes the signature requests the signature will automatically be applied to the order documents and the order will be submitted for processing!

In this training you will learn how to send and wait for a signature request.

Step 1 One step 4 of the order form you will click the "Get Digital Signature" button. 

This will open the signature pad that can be signed with a mouse or finger. At the bottom left of the signature screen you will see a place to enter a phone number. (you can click on the word "Phone" to toggle to email)

Step 2 Enter the phone number and click "SEND"

Step 3 After you send the signature request you can click the done button

Step 4 Split Signature requests. For order documents like the RTO contract that needs a signature and an initial, or the Landlord permission form that needs the customer signature and the Landowner signature you can split the signature requests. You will follow step 1 and 2 above and when you click SEND you will see a screen that will allow you to choose which signature request you want to send to that number. If you select only one you will be able to then enter a different number for the second signature request. 

Once you have sent both requests the card on step 4 of the order form will look like this: (See the Landowner Permission Card) 

Step 5 Complete the Order! You can complete the order before you get all the signature requests back.

Step 6 Resend signature requests. If you don't get the signature back in a day or 2 you can contact the customer and see if there is a better phone number that you can use. You will see the order waiting for signatures on your dashboard in the Unprocessed Orders table. Click on the order to see the Pending signature requests and to resend any request.