We have been busy, and have released some new features and some bug fixes that we would like to share with you.


  1. Added a Shop Report. This report can be found in your admin dashboard under the Reports Tab
  2. Added companies and dealers to RTO account so RTO company can see what Shed Companies are linked and eligible to send them contracts.
  3. Added delivery certificate link to delivered order for the RTO company

  4. Added a column to the pending inventory orders table to show who created the inventory order 

  5. Added the "Custom Addon" label to the order details screen for any addon that is a custom addon so admin can easily see what addons are custom.

Bug Fixes

  1. Bug fix for the issue some companies were having with the Model Category getting unlinked from certain dealers!! (We've been tracking this pest for awhile and Donovan finally caught and killed this nasty guy)


  1. Updated process order component to use default driver and shop
  2. Updated the Driver Report to use the new Report Service to improve performance
  3. Updated Inventory Report to fix bar graph colors not matching legend
  4. Updated driver dropdown to be in alphabetical order
  5. Updated inventory table on the dealer to show a thumbnail of the shed
  6. Quite a lot of backend updates to increase security and availability. 

Thanks so much for all your support and feedback in making Shed Suite the best shed software to help you run and grow your shed business.
