When a dealer creates an order for a customer the customer is subscribed to order notifications by default. The dealer can unsubscribe the customer on step 5 of the order form before submitting the order.

NOTE: If the customer replies to any of these emails the reply will go to the email address that is set on the company's corporate profile. To edit this email address, send an email to [email protected] with the new email you want to be used when customers hit reply. 

On some of the emails (see below) the dealer users email address is listed so that the customer can contact the sales person directly. 

or on the contact details screen

Shed Suite sends each of these 4 emails to the customer when each event happens in Shed Suite. This is what those emails look like.

1. Email to Customer when order is placed

2. Email to customer when order is processed

3. Email to customer when order is scheduled

4. Email to customer when order is delivered

